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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Charmseekers 12 books set

This set i will sell it for RM400. It includes 12 books each with a price of more than RM30. Postage fees included. Lucky u!! :)
Well the story is like this. A young girl name Sesame Brown who has a best friend name Maddie has travelled to a magical world because the kingdom in tat world has overthrown the queen by the queen's sister. A magical lady made the queen a bracelet that contains 13 charms to keep the country safe. And now a evil sorcerer has controlled the evil sister to steal the bracelet. The bracelet was too dangerous and it broke in the sorcerer hands. The charms were spread throughout the country. It is up to Sesame and her friends to solve the quest to get the charms back together !!!

I hope u would like it <3 <3 <3

I dun mind selling each book separately for RM30.00 but this would not include postage fees !!!

Thx 4 reading .... love u all <3
Free gift if u purchase any of the above !!! Mystery Gift that u will sure like :) !!!

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