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Monday, November 15, 2010

Princess magazines

        Do u adore to be a princess? Well i have a number of princess magazines that will make your imagination flows and sparkles. Princess fans <3 <3 <3, I am sure u would love this one. Only RM4 for each magazines. No postage fees included if u only purchase one. Buy more than 15 magazines, only for RM50. And also free postage fees.
      Each magazines have 2 to 3 storyline comics. This magazine is filled with wonderful and exciting colouring activities and games that keep u thrilled. So wat u waiting for kids? Get ur magazine from me now. To order a magazine juz leave a comment and filled up this form.
          Handphone number:        So i can contact u, if u dun mind =)
         Princess that u want on the page cover:
         Quantity  that u would like to order:
Well that is all :)
Thanks for reading this anyway ..... Love ya ^^   <3 <3<3
So if u like to purchase juz sms me and send the filled up form.
My number is 012-9380668      

This is the example of one of the princess magazines ....

The goods I am selling is 100% original.
 All magazines are fully coloured ....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Barbie doll kitchen set promotion

If u love barbie, i got the perfect thing u want to buy!! A barbie kitchen set .... Perfect condition and very new only for RM110. No postage fees included. Lovely set with a barbie and a pet cat. Barbie Lovers would definately love this. If u wish to purchase pls feel free to left a comment !!! <3
Wanna see the picture comment on my post !!! Thx very much :)

Charmseekers 12 books set

This set i will sell it for RM400. It includes 12 books each with a price of more than RM30. Postage fees included. Lucky u!! :)
Well the story is like this. A young girl name Sesame Brown who has a best friend name Maddie has travelled to a magical world because the kingdom in tat world has overthrown the queen by the queen's sister. A magical lady made the queen a bracelet that contains 13 charms to keep the country safe. And now a evil sorcerer has controlled the evil sister to steal the bracelet. The bracelet was too dangerous and it broke in the sorcerer hands. The charms were spread throughout the country. It is up to Sesame and her friends to solve the quest to get the charms back together !!!

I hope u would like it <3 <3 <3

I dun mind selling each book separately for RM30.00 but this would not include postage fees !!!

Thx 4 reading .... love u all <3
Free gift if u purchase any of the above !!! Mystery Gift that u will sure like :) !!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greetings :)

Welcome to my blog. Today is the first day i started this. I hope everyone of u would support me. Thanks. I would update more posts from now on. Thanks everyone !!!

Best Friend Club storybook

This books contains illustrations and attractive font words. This is a 144 page long storybook. It is about 5 girls writing a story about their life. The price i am selling this book is RM25. This price does not include postage fees. If u wish to purchase it juz comment on my blog for more details. How to pay and how i send u this book, juz leave a comment and i will reply u ASAP.

thanks :)

Minnie Mouse Disney Bag

This bag is 100% original disney production. The price of this bag is RM20. This price does not include postage fees. The original price is RM40++. Very new and perfect condition. How to pay me and how i send u this item if u wish to purchase just comment on this post and i reply u ASAP.

Thanks :)